My dear baby brother,
Today I will watch you walk across the stage and accept your high school diploma, the one that you have worked so incredibly hard for (juggling basketball and all those honors classes, how you got out of that place with a 4.1 GPA, I will never know). I will probably have tears in my eyes as you try to find mom, dad, and me in the crowd. You'll give us the famous Michael nod and smirk and walk back to your seat with your friends.
There is so much I want to say to you on this day and I'm not exactly sure how to say it or where to start. I guess with this: You are my best friend. I have a bond with you that I will never have with and other person. We are siblings; we share the same parents, the same home, the same pupperoo, the same family, and a lot of the same experiences. But we haven't shared all of the same experiences. You were so young when I was going through my anxiety stuff. You were young but you were SO smart, even then. You knew things were happening even if you didn't know exactly what. I always felt bad for taking mom and dad's attention away from you, but you never made me feel guilty for that. You had a way of making me feel better, without even knowing it.
You were in fourth grade when things were at their worst. One day when mom was at school for something, your teacher came up to her and asked how I was. Mom was confused, obviously, because she hadn't told her anything that was going on with me. When mom asked her how she knew, your teacher said, "Michael asked the class to pray for his sister Liz."
Michael, I will never forget this as long as I live. It is the ultimate testament to your character. You are such an incredibly thoughtful, gentle man. You are quiet, but meaningful with your words. You are my younger brother but so often I feel like you are wiser than me. You have something that makes everyone want to be around you.
You will do such wonderful things next year at Indiana University. You will BE wonderful. I will end up exactly where you are supposed to be, I believe that with all my heart.
After all those years of bugging you and bugging you, you finally started to like me. And after a little more bugging, you finally let me in. I am so honored you let me in. I love the connection we have now and I know it will continue to grow stronger. I am so proud to be your sister. I look up to you. You set an incredible example for me and for all those around you.
Your world is going to open so much after graduation in the best way. I cannot wait to see the man you become and I am so excited to be a part of that journey.
I love you more than I could ever say.