Dear Guy Who Just Passed Me on the Street-
All I was trying to do was get myself and my iced caramel coffee with skim back to my office. In peace. But you had other plans, didn't you? You decided to make me crawl-out-of-my-skin uncomfortable by making eye contact with me and while you did that, you let out the most guttural, disgustingly sexual grunts.
Just one question for you, why? Why would you decide to make a young woman feel as though it's not her place to walk down the sidewalk, as though she's trespassing in your space instead of walking in a public area.
Okay, I lied. Another question. What made you think you had the right to do that? I have a father, and a brother, and a boyfriend, who all love me and respect me. Isn't there some kind of bro code? Don't you, like, think about those people before you treat me like I'm an object?
All I know is you and your buddies, the guys who openly discussed my "killer rack" last week as I was standing next to them in Best Buy, can all go screw yourselves.
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