I am going to try to get through writing this one without crying like an idiot. No promises. But the great thing about a promise like this is that my computer is not going to rat me out if I break it ;) Where do I even start with this one. I guess the beginning would be a decent place to start. In the third grade, I struck up a conversation with this little brown hair, brown eyed girl named Mary Rose. After exchanging third grade conversation, I soon found out that she wasn't allowed to watch the show Rugrats. I thought to myself, "I already don't like this girl. She doesn't watch Rugrats?! What a weirdo." Little did I know then, I would eventually learn to look past this obvious character flaw. Not only that, but this brown hair, brown eyed girl would become my best friend for the rest of my life. Since then, we have been attached at the hip, having more fun than it makes sense for us to be having. I'm still working on a word to describe the relationship we have, because "best friend" isn't even the half of it and "sister" just sounds stupid. I'll keep you posted on that one. I feel like people throw the title "best friend" around so easily. But to me, it's not just a label you give someone or even a couple people to let others know that they are the best. To me, it's a promise. Rose and I have gone through more than most friendships. There is not a single thing in this world I wouldn't do for her. I trust her more than I trust myself most days. When people use the word "soulmate", everyone always assumes it's romantic. But I don't think it has to be. I think there are certain people you meet in your life who you just connect with more than anyone else and you just know it isn't a typical thing. You understand each other in a way that's almost unnatural. Whatever else I say here doesn't do her justice. So Rose (because I know that you are the one and only person reading this blog)...thank you. Thank you for being my wonderful, beautifully kind hearted best friend. Thank you for helping me through things that I know I couldn't have gotten through alone. Thank you for believing in me when I don't even believe in myself. Thank you for being game for whatever the hell adventures we craft up. Thank you for being the friend that makes me the best version of myself. Thank you for being the person I know that I can count on today, tomorrow, next month, and 20 years from now. I adore you.

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