Monday, September 16, 2013


This is what my life is going to look like for the next, oh....10 weeks. School is officially back in session, and I'm nowhere near getting in the swing of things. Usually when I finally do, it's just in time for finals. How convenient. This should be quite the interesting quarter, though; I have a full course load, two jobs, a relationship, and hopefully a social life. We'll see how this goes.

But before things start to get really crazy, I thought I'd take a second to come up with a "New School Year's Resolution" list. Honestly, I was very ready to go back to school this year. If you know me, that sentence may come as a bit of a shock. As my mom so endearingly reacted, "Who the hell are you and what have you done with my daughter?" It's funny how different things are in college when you get to do your own thing, make your own schedule, and ENJOY what you're learning.

Even when I hated going to school, I always saw the new school year as an opportunity for change and growth. The night before the first day, I would lay in bed staring nervously at the ceiling, dreading the next day. But in those few sleepless hours, I would always make big promises to myself: finally get an A in science, keep my locker organized, write down everything in my planner, do my homework as soon as I got home from school, go for a run every night before dinner. Usually these were distant memories by the end of September. But I always gave it some solid effort.

This year is no different. Scratch that, it's actually a lot different. I was sleepless the night before classes because I was excited, I had a great outfit planned out for the morning (funny how that will make it so much easier for a girl to get out of bed at 8 AM), and I walked confidently into each class on the first day. What DIDN'T change was my pesky list of resolutions. So instead of letting them drift off into the Land of Forsaken Start of School Promises, I thought I would take a few minutes before things get really hectic and write them down. I feel like I will be held more accountable this way. We'll see if this works...

Liz's New School Year's Resolutions

  1. Actually READ the assigned readings for each class. Don't skim, don't skip, read. How brutal.
  2. Be more patient with people in group projects. Not everyone is going to have the same work ethic you do, now get over it.
  3. Figure out how to balance school, work, boyfriend, friends. It's juggling time.
  4. Write everything down in your planner, even the things you think you'll remember. And reference said planner. Or face the wrath of forgetfulness.
  5. Wake up each morning and think a positive thought. Even if you only half believe it.
  6. Get the promotion at work.
  7. Land an internship...then figure out how to add that into the juggling game. 
  8. Work out 4-5 times a week. But don't beat yourself up if you don't get there. Just do what you can.
  9. Try to eat relatively healthy. But again, don't be afraid of pizza. Or pasta. Or Nutella. Sometimes you just need them to keep trucking. 
  10. Keep up with your blog. 
  11. Don't stop reading books just for fun. You love that. Don't lose time for it. 
  12. Take advantage of more concerts in the city.
  13. Take more pictures. Even if you don't think they're good, snap away. It's fun to look back. 
  14. Keep your apartment clean. You feel so much better when it is, and you always wonder why you don't keep it that way. Plus it's much more fun to light a candle when there isn't shit everywhere.
  15. Let this be the year you stick to your list. 

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