Monday, January 20, 2014


Six weeks of Christmas vacation provides one with a lot of things. Netflix binges (as previously stated), extra pounds, and a whole lot of thinking. Thinking about lots of things. But in particular, how weird this stage of my life is. I'm not a kid, but I'm not really an adult. I have responsibilities, but I don't get much credit for them. I'm in love, but people say I'm too young to know that. And life right now is so incredibly uncertain. I feel like I can't plan for anything. All I can plan for is that eventually, sometime in the quickly approaching future, I will be graduating. And then after that? What do I want to do? I don't like deciding what to make for dinner, let alone where I go from here

I'm reading a book right now called The Defining Decade by Meg Jay. It's basically about why your twenties matter and how to make the most of them. It got me thinking (I told you....a LOT of thinking...) about all of the things that I have learned. So as a reminder to myself, I present you with:

  1. Even if you tend to be a people pleaser, there are times where you can (and should) say no. 
  2. If you don't feel like going out on a Saturday night, don't. Just because you feel like you should doesn't mean you want to. Know the difference. Wanting to watch a movie and get a full 8 hours of sleep doesn't make you a loser. Do what you want to do. 
  3. Come to think of it, let's expand on this one. It's important to learn what you like and what you don't like. You might dedicate a good portion of your life to listening to a certain band. Or convincing yourself that you really do like sushi. But there's a very good chance that you might wake up one day and realize that your beloved band sucks (Jonas Brothers, it was a sad, sad realization). And sushi sucks even more. And maybe you like Star Trek. And that nerdy guy with the beard working at the grocery store? You think he's kind of hot. The "cool" things aren't always good, and the "weird" things aren't always bad. Be your own self. Make up your own mind. Life will be a lot easier.
  4. When it comes to friends, it's quality over quantity. Unless you're looking to start a flash mob. Then you better get meetin people. 
  5. If you're sad, let yourself feel it. Same goes for every emotion. I used to beat myself up if I felt sad or angry about something stupid. Blamed it on PMS or being tired, or whatever current ailment happened to be. But why? If you're feeling something, that's how you feel. Just let it happen.
  6. Do the stupid shit. I mean, stay safe. But usually the "stupid shit" makes for the best memories...and stories. 
  7. When you get a weird vibe from a potential/current beau, run far. And fast. Learn to trust your gut. Did you hear that, every girl on reality television EVER?
  8. On the other hand, when you get a "good, really awesome, constant-butterflies-in-your-stomach" kind of vibe, go with it. Don't let your mind get in the way. You might get hurt, but then again you might not. Give it a shot. 
  9. Your parents are usually right. But sometimes they're not. They aren't perfect (sorry, Mom). They're learning just like you are. They don't get a magical book with all of the answers when they have their first kid, they figure it out on the way. They might screw up sometimes, but don't fault them for that. They're trying their best to love you and help you. Sometimes the things they think are the best aren't the best for YOU. So ease up on them. And help them help you.
  10. Life isn't a damn fashion show. Want to wear sweatpants to the movies? Do it. Don't feel like wearing makeup? Don't. You don't have to be "on" all the time. Although, it's usually when you're "off" that you run into that one girl from high school...
I wanted some other input, so I asked my best friend Rose if there was something that used to matter to her but didn't anymore. Her answer? "Brand name purses". And there ya have it, ladies and gents. 

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