Thursday, February 20, 2014


This morning while I was doing my ritual "Scroll Through Twitter Before Getting Out of Bed", I came across a link to a video that floored me (I posted it below). CNN's Piers Morgan interviewed this doctor in New York who is offering pro-bono (free) plastic surgeries to victims of bullying. He says that while obviously nobody wants bullying in schools, it is naive and stupid to think that we can stop it by stopping the bullies. He says there will always be bullies and that the solution is to take away the things the victim is being bullied for.

Uhhhh, am I the only one that has a huge issue with this?! It's disgusting on so many levels! This is telling the victim that THEY are the problem, THEY are faulty and broken, THEY need to be fixed. That is just the wrong message to be sending. The problem is with the parenting. These bullies are going to mimic the behavior and aggression they see their parents displaying because they think that is what is acceptable.

A while ago, I saw a bumper sticker that said, "My kid beat up your honor student". And we wonder why kids are committing suicide in record numbers. When are people going to wake up and realize this stuff isn't a joke? These kids are in such a fragile stage. Middle school and high school SUCK. (speaking from my own shitty experience).

Kids are mean and vicious. They don't realize the immense power behind their words. They are constantly being told from peers and the media that they aren't pretty enough or smart enough or cool enough or GOOD enough. And this jackass comes in and solidifies that thought to these kids. What we need to be doing is solving the issue, not just camouflaging it with effing plastic surgery on 14 year olds. It starts at home. And if it doesn't start at home, it needs to be stopped at school. Teachers need to be given the power and the tools to provide a safe place for these bullied kids. The cyber bullying excuse ("Well it didn't happen on school grounds, so technically we can't do anything about it") is utter bullshit. These students cannot be terrified to walk into their classroom. Legislation needs to catch up with the internet. Because these kids need to know that they are far more than "good enough".

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