Tuesday, March 18, 2014


The other day a friend was talking about a speech he had to give about something he believed in. What a horribly broad topic. Where do you even go with that? All I kept thinking was thank GOD it wasn't me with the assignment. There are so many things I believe in, but how do you convey that belief to an outsider? I mean I believe in God, I believe in doing the right thing, in helping others. I believe in coffee, lots and lots of coffee. But how do you write about any of these things?

Later that night, it smacked me in the face. Love. Love is what I believe in, above all else. I've already told you, I'm a hopelessly corny romantic. But it's not even just that lovey dovey kind I believe in (although I totally do). I am lucky enough to say that my parents are my greatest example of love. They love each other with such ferocity. They will be married 30 years in May and they honestly love each other more every day. I never once saw them fighting as I was growing up, which doesn't mean they didn't fight. They just valued each other, and my brother and I, enough not to let us see that. They are best friends. If I had a dollar for every time my dad has told me, "I love your mom so much", I would be set.

Not only do they love each other, but they love my brother and I immensely. I have never gone a day without them telling me this. This seems like part of the parent job description, but I have learned that not every kid experiences this. I have so much appreciation for the family dynamic my parents created.

I believe in love because of my best friend. Another thing I have learned is that not everyone has a Rose. A best friend who loves them unconditionally. God knows we have had our ups and downs, but we find a way to come back better and stronger.

I believe in love because of my family and my "family". I have so many aunts and uncles and cousins that make living life better. I also have a lot of friends who aren't really friends but more like family (hence the "family"). They are the ultimate support system.

I believe in love because of my work peeps. They have all become my dear friends and they make every day fun. We all have such an appreciation for each other and the things we bring to the table that makes our team work so well.

Now onto the lovey dovey part, you knew it was coming. I believe in my own kind of love because of David. I know that I am so young to have something like this, but he's taught me so much about myself and what I see for my future. I never really dated anyone seriously before him. All through high school and the first couple years of college, everyone had these boyfriends and someone to bring with them to family parties. I was always the third wheel or the one being forcibly set up with the boyfriend's friend with bad intentions. I was patiently waiting for my turn. And then maybe not so patiently. Then I gave up. And then I met David. You know how people tell you not to settle for a man unless you would be proud to have him as a son? I hit the jackpot. He makes me laugh. He makes me love myself. He make me feel better and safe. He is my favorite person to be around. He is home for me.

I am loved so unselfishly. The people in my life make my heart so so incredibly happy. THAT is why I believe in love.

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